Drama Club
Club Name: Drama Club
Advisor(s) name and contact information: Mrs. Jaime Villani jvillani@sussextech.org
Description of the club and purpose: The purpose of the drama club is to introduce students to the world of theatre and engage them in the process of putting on a full scale musical.
Activities for the club: Musical Theatre Production, Improv Workshops, Vocal Workshops, Technical Theatre Work
Meeting dates and times: Meeting dates and times vary depending on the production needs
Fundraisers: Students will sell ads and shout outs for the Spring Musical Program
Officers: Co-Presidents - Maya McQueen & Alexandra Perez , Vice President: Izzy Stevens; Treasurer - Emily Gogick; Secretary - Thea Segura; Public Relations - Kalle Young
Goals of the club: To learn all aspects of theatre production
How to become a member: Sign up on google classroom - code md6tbmw
Requirement to remain a member: Attendance and maintain grades
Dues if any: Students must supply their own shoes for productions, and some costume pieces might be required
Other important items: There will be some evening and weekend rehearsals if you are involved in the musical production for both cast and crew. This year's musical is TBA, the production will be March 8, 9, & 10, 2024.