NHS is more than just an honor roll. Local chapters, working together with the national office, promote four pillars of excellence - Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service - and strive to help students improve in all four areas.
If you're interested in joining NHS, students first need to be eligible in the following areas:
Character: Character is the force within each individual which distinguishes that person from others. It gives each one individuality and personality. It is that without anyone can respect oneself, nor hope to attain the respect of others. It is this force of character which guides one through life, and when once developed, grows steadily. Character is achieved and not received. It is the product of constant action and daily striving to make the right choice. The problem of character is the problem of self-control: we must be in reality what we wish to appear to others. By demonstrating such qualities as honesty, respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship, we may hope to prove by example that we value character.
Scholarship: Scholarship means commitment to learning. A student is willing to spend hours in reading and study, knowing the lasting benefits of a cultivated mind. We should continue to learn even when formal education has ended, for education ends only with the end of life. Knowledge is one great element in life which leads to the highest success, and it can be acquired in only one way, through diligence and effort. Learning furnishes the lamp by which we read the past and the light which illuminates the future. Members have the charge to continually expand their world through the opportunities inherent in scholarship.
Leadership: Leadership should exert a wholesome influence on the school. In taking the initiative in class and school activities, the real leader strives to train and aid others to attain the same objective. The price of leadership is sacrifice- the willingness to yield one’s personal interest for the interests of others. A leader has self-confidence, not arrogance, and will go forward when others hesitate. No matter what power and resources may exist in a country, they are ineffectual without the guidance of a wise leader. Leadership is always needed, and is thus a substantial charge to each of our members.
Service: Service can be described in various ways. In the routine of the day’s work, many opportunities arise to help others. Willingness to work for the benefit of those in need without monetary compensation or recognition is the quality we seek in our membership. We are committed to the idea of volunteering our time and abilities to the creation of a better tomorrow.
Eligibility is calculated at the end of sophomore/junior year
NHS Officers 2023-24
President – Ozzie Tobin
Vice President – Sarah Coscia
Treasurer - Teagan Lowrie
Secretary – John Mabb
Parliamentarian – JackEdward Schmick
Current Members:
Inaaya Ali, Daniela Alliu, Aiden Arias, Nehemiah Aviles, Emily Beltrani, Sarah Coscia, Stephanie Cubberly,, Brendan Del Coro, Vincent DiMuccio, Pearse Esposito, Eliot Griner, Justyn Hetman, Jasmine Ibekwe, Victor Leal, Teagan Lowrie, John Mabb, Sarah Marencik, Maya McQueen, Paul Mele, Nicole Morehouse, Jadon Naismith, Matteo Pascale, Sophia Paternoster, Alexandra Perez, Cole Phillips, Ryan Salerno, JackEdward Schmick, Joshua Schneider, Cassidy Sibbern, Austin Sliker, Teagan Smith, Zoe Sweetman, Ozzie Tobin
Co - Advisers: Erin Shawiak & Bina Varkey
Overview The N.H.S. is an organization that honors students for exceptional leadership, scholarship, service, and character. In order to be nominated for membership, students must have a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.5 or greater by the end of sophomore or junior year. Members are selected by a committee of faculty members who take into account the students’ leadership, character and service. The Honor Society's goal is to recognize outstanding student achievement and to encourage good citizenship through service to the community and through the development of good character. Once inducted, students are required to maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA, complete a minimum of 10 hours of an individual service project, and also a minimum of 10 hours of non assigned in school service hours, while maintaining high standards of leadership, service and character. Students are also encouraged to participate in group service projects, charity fundraisers and to participate in the fall induction ceremony.