Special Education
Welcome to the Child Study Team
Sussex County Technical School Special Services, provides programs, placements and related services to meet the needs of the children eligible to receive special education services. We hope that this page will be a resource for parents and educators as you navigate through the sometimes complex special education system.
Mission Statement and Purpose:
The Child Study Team consists of the School Psychologist, School Social Worker, the Learning Consultant and the Speech/Language Specialist. The team has a number of responsibilities including consultation, identification, classification, and formulation of recommendations for remediation of learning and behavior deficits. Team members also serve as Case Managers for students receiving special education and related services and work closely with both regular and special education teachers to develop students’ Individual Education Programs (IEP).
The function of our team is to provide support, guidance, and professional development to the school staff who identify learning or behavior difficulties to meet individualized student needs. Sussex County Technical School takes pride in its ability to meet the individual needs of its students. The Child Study Team plays an integral role in providing special education services and supports. For information about the special education services please contact Debbie Keiper the VP of Guidance and CST at 973-383-6700 or dkeiper@sussextech.org
The purpose of the Child Study Team is to provide an appropriate education for students with disabilities, in the least restrictive environment, that will enable them to reach their potential, and to become functioning members of society. To the maximum extent possible, students with disabilities will be provided the opportunity to be educated with age-appropriate non-disabled peers and will receive all necessary support and services to benefit from their educational program.
The Child Study Team includes special education teachers, child study team members, speech/language specialists, related service providers, and teacher assistants. Together we plan and provide educational programs for students with disabilities in partnership with general education staff, administration and parents. We believe that each child has value and the ability to learn. It is our responsibility, along with the general education staff, to foster within each child the belief in that value through discovering their talents, developing their skills, and encouraging self-confidence and independence. We believe that parents are a valuable and an essential part of the education process and that their aspirations for and insights about their children are important for us to understand as we plan together for their educational program.
The Child Study Team is responsible for the identification, evaluation and determination of eligibility for students with disabilities. The Child Study Team is also responsible for the development, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of each classified pupils’ Individualized Education Plan (I.E.P.). Parents should contact the Child Study Team at (973) 383-6700 ext. 246 to discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s academic, social, or behavioral development.
What is the Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
Individualized Education Program (IEP) - A yearly educational plan written by teachers, therapists, child study team members and parents.
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is an educational plan that has been created to meet that student’s unique needs. Each student who receives special education and related services must have an IEP. Each IEP is developed to provide support to each student academically class placement, support services (modifications and accommodations). The IEP presents an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel, and students to work together to create opportunities for educational success.
How does an IEP differ from a 504 Plan?
As part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Congress passed Section 504. This civil rights law protects people with disabilities by eliminating barriers and allowing full participation in areas of life such as education and the workplace. Section 504 is intended to prohibit disability discrimination by recipients of federal financial assistance and by public entities.
A 504 Plan is for students who have a disability, have a record of a disability, or are treated as having a disability but do not qualify for special education services under IDEA. For example, let’s say that a child has cerebral palsy. If it does not interfere with the student’s progress in the general curriculum, however it does require the child to use special equipment to access his/her education, in such a case, this student would qualify for a 504 Plan.
It’s important to realize that eligibility under Section 504 isn't consolation for students who do not qualify for special education services under IDEA. Before deciding whether a student is eligible for this type of plan, the child must be assessed and the school team must agree that the child has a) a substantial and pervasive impairment and b) that it is impeding upon progress in the general education curriculum in order to be eligible for reasonable accommodations under this federal law.
The purpose of a 504 Plan is to "level the playing field" and allow a child to get the accommodations and modifications needed to access the curriculum at the same level as his or her peers.
Child Find
In addition to a full continuum of special education programs and services, the district through its Child Find Project, helps to identify un-served and handicapped children three to five years of age. Parents are encouraged to contact the office of Special Services, if they have concerns about their child's development and whether a preschool program may be of benefit.
Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of unserved/underserved youth with a delay or disability from birth through 21 years of age. It also develops and distributes information to the public about early intervention services and special education programs throughout New Jersey.
The toll-free number for Project Child Find is 800-322-8174.
Child Study Team
Telephone: 973 383 6700 X 246
Fax: 973 300 5225
105 North Church Road
Sparta. NJ 07871