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School Counseling


The School Counseling Department (Ext 247)

School counselors are the student’s link between school and home. Students can expect professional advice and assistance from our guidance staff. The counselor’s role entails helping students in personal, vocational, and educational areas. Student may meet with a school counselor voluntarily or on a regularly scheduled basis.

Attendance Options

In order to meet the vocational needs of the population, Sussex Tech provides two attendance options, full-time or shared-time, which are available to all high school students who are residence of Sussex County and who apply and are accepted  at no cost to the family. Local school districts provide transportation.
Full-time, the most popular option, provides students with a complete high school education in a vocational technical environment. Students are transported directly to Sussex Tech where they receive all the necessary instruction and course offerings to meet state requirements. In addition to the mandated courses, full time students receive a thorough knowledge of selected trade areas and sufficient credits for college entrance. Diversified offerings in clubs and athletics are provided to round out the students' high school life.
Shared-time This permits students to attend their high school for half of the day for specific courses required for graduation. The student is transported to Sussex Tech for the other half of the day to receive instruction in one of the 20 different technical areas.

Child Study Team Services * (Ext. 246)

Sussex County Technical School has a full-time Child Study Team which includes a school psychologist, social worker, and learning disability teacher consultant.
Special education students that have been classified by their local districts will be monitored by the CST. IEP’s, re-evaluations and annual reviews will also be conducted as per N.J. Administrative Code. Students that are having difficulty academically or emotionally can be referred to the CST.

Related Guidance Links

  • Naviance- In order to use Naviance. All students must complete the following: My Profile, My Personality Type, My Learning style, My Game Plan. Please take the time to look through and explore the different aspects of this program.