• Club Name: Quill Club

    Advisor(s) name and contact information: Ms. Pagan
    Email: Apagan@sussextech.org

    Google Classroom code: zwrsbxx

    Description of the club and purpose:
    The Quill Club is an Art and Literature Club that creates a magazine showcasing artistic submissions from all students. *Submissions may be anonymous.

    Mission Statement:
    The Quill Club is open to all students. Our goal is to encourage students to connect with others through artistic expression and celebration. To meet this goal, the club offers artistic sessions, social and educational activities, and creation of our annual Art & Literary Magazine. Any students interested in the arts are encouraged to join.

    Activities for the club:

    • Going through student submissions (proofreading, categorizing, scanning for pamphlet or magazine)
    • Students shared ideas for virtual submissions, QR code for club, creating a club website (used Wix)
    • Voted on and chose two student created logos for this year
    • Discussed script for visiting classrooms to spread knowledge about the club
    • Created physical submission boxes
    • Working with Graphic Arts shop
    • Working on Art for pamphlet/magazine

    Meeting dates and times: Monthly meetings 2:30-3:30

    Fundraisers: N/A at this time

    Officers if any: N/A

    Goals of the club:

    • Spread the word about the Quill club to students and staff
    • Create club logo
    • Create physical submission boxes
    • Virtual submissions (email, Google classroom)
    • Visits to English & Art classes
    • Working with Graphic Arts shop
    • Student feedback about what they want to focus on in the club and what categories of art they want to showcase in magazine
    • Create a pamphlet or annual magazine showcasing submissions

    How to become a member:
    Contact Ms. Pagan
    All students are welcome the entire school year

    Requirement to remain a member:
    Continue to be an active participant in our club meetings

    Dues if any: N/A